Two jackdaws on the ground, on a cobbled area. It looks like they have just finished eating something.
A bridge with a cabled side, festooned with a large number of padlocks
Close-up of the nose and muzzle of a Bernese mountain dog. As well as some much smaller droplets, one particularly large drop of water / saliva hangs, ready to fall.
Close-up portrait of a dog, from the shoulders upwards. It is sitting in a town pedestrianised area, looking off into the distance. In the background, a row of shops can be seen.
A brightly-lit shop in an airport. The camera is low, so that we can see the dark, shiny floor. In front of the shop is a woman in silhouette, checking her phone. A suitcase is next to her.
Telephoto shot (i.e. compresses distance) of a long, straight path through a deciduous forest. A single person is visible: a woman dressed in black, with a mustard-yellow scarf, walking away from us. The picture emphasises how small a person is, compared to the trees.
A colourful sunset at the beach. There is a jetty going some 25 meters out to sea, with a bench at the end.
An apartment building in the shape of a wave.
Close up of a magpie standing in grass. It has caught an insect — possibly a flying ant.
Pigeon in silhouette, stood on the edge of a vacant table at a street cafe.
Night time in Copenhagen city centre. The renaissance building 'Børsen', the old stock exchange building, is lit up with rays of blue-white light shooting out from its tower in all directions.
A pair of bright green lasers shining into (or maybe out from) the tower of Christiansborg, the Danish parliament building.
A gull, stood on the ice of a frozen lake. It is looking down at its own reflection in the ice. The ice is sufficiently clear and mirrored that the reflection of the bird is almost as clear an image as the bird itself, forming a kind of optical illusion.
A winter's day: the sky is clear and bright blue. Below that, an old, long warehouse building (mid 1800s?), with a red tiled roof and light beige walls. Then a gravelly courtyard area, in shade. Then the ice covering the harbour, unevenly cracked by the freezing and thawing, and reflecting the colours of the sky and the building.
Copenhagen harbour, on a sunny winter's day. There is a completely clear blue sky. We look across the harbour to the city centre: the imposing, black, parallelogram form of the library is directly opposite, flanked by the more traditional red-tiled brick buildings of years gone by. The bottom half of the picture is the frozen-over water, reflecting the reds, black, and blue of the scene. A gash of a path has been cut through the ice, where the harbour bus has sailed through.
Close-up of a sunset on a slightly cloudy day: the frame is filled with colours from the bright white of the sun, to yellows, oranges, and dark rust-browns of the clouds. In front of it all, in silhouette, is a metal grid fence, with lots of bicycles locked / parked up, and a few people walking or cycling by.
On a lovely sunny day, a small town harbour. Forming the left frame of the picture is a tall metal building (grain tower? I'm no expert), which features a large monochrome painted portrait of a bearded man with a cap — maybe a local fisherman.
Low-angle shot of a male mallard some decking, walking directly towards the camera. Blurred water fills the background.
Four large white statues of human figures, sat overlooking the beach, and staring out to sea. Each figure is around 9 meters tall. The all-over brilliant white figures are in stark contrast to the dark grey of a gathering storm cloud behind them.
Close-up of a pigeon, snuggled down and fluffed up. It is against an almost-black background.