Last time, I wrote about the lying brainweasels who had led to me believe that everything was terrible and that I should just give up trying to settle in here. Stagnate, fail, and perhaps worse. I'm happy to say that quite a few good things have happened since then! But perhaps one also not so good, so let's take the rough with the smooth.

When I wrote the last article I'd just been to a viewing of a flat in Frederiksberg, and I was going to go to two more viewings the next day. Well, I did that, and the good news is, I said yes to one of them, and the contract is now all signed, and the deposit paid. So in a little over two weeks' time, I'll be moving in. And even though that means I'll be paying double-rent for a while, that's OK because (a) the new place is so much more expensive than the last, it's not really double-rent, in a sense, it's more like rent-plus-a-third; and (b) because DAMN, I still didn't realise just how much the old place was getting me down.

OK, so, I said there was a rough patch as well as good news, so here it is. All last week, I was away with a load of my colleagues, at a conference in Dublin. And the bad thing is: I let myself spiral into a terrible state of mind again on the Sunday when I travelled out, and I ended up saying some stuff, visible to the whole company, where I was just being really negative and criticising things. Ugh. The good news is that once this was pointed out to me, I pretty quickly managed to climb out of that hole that I was hiding in, and then enjoyed the rest of the week.

And why was I in such a terrible state of mind? (Someone asked me recently, "What are you stressed about?". I replied that it gets to a point where logic has flown out of the window, so I can't rationally saying that I'm stressed about anything; just that I'm stressed. However: something probably started it). Well, I think a good part of it was, you guessed it, my current living situation again. On the Sunday morning as I was getting ready, everything just seemed to be going wrong: there was no space to put anything down, my washing was in the way, the drier collapsed, nothing seemed to be where I expect to find it, I can't sit down and chill – all because of my too-small room. And then, after that, progressively, less and less reason was required for me to keep digging.

But. That's all in the past.

So where are we now? Well, half way through April, that's where; and that means I've got two more weeks left in my tiny room before I can FINALLY GET A PROPER PLACE, and also two more weeks left on probation before I get to find out whether depression kicked my arse so much it cost me that job. Fingers crossed.

Finally, a few tidbits:

  • I went on my first ever date! With a Danish woman. We probably spoke something like 50/50 Danish/English. Well, maybe 30/70. A fair bit of Danish anyway.
  • Straight after that, I had dinner with three other women I'd never met before – all Danish. This time it was almost all in Danish, but the downside was, most of it I couldn't follow. But some I could! A fun evening.
  • And then when I got back from Dublin, I had a super hyggelig afternoon with eight other women that I'd never met before – again, all Danish. In fact ... I have quite a few thoughts on this, so I expect to do a separate post about this soon. :-)