Is this thing still on? It is now!

So ... it's been a full six months since the last post, and I'll be honest: one of the main reasons it's been so long is that the scripts I was using to update the site suffered from a particularly aggressive form of bit rot. Which is another way of saying: I got lazy when I put the site up first time. Anyway, I've finally got round to resurrecting the site so that it's in a serviceable state again, so here we are: another post. So, what's new?

Last time I wrote about being "on the cusp", and that turned out very much to be true. I wrote that on the Tuesday before Easter, while still living in Gentofte in the flat that I hated, but having secured new accommodation, due to start on May 1st. Moving day was slightly stressful, because for some reason the moving company didn't understand how much stuff I had to move (even though I told them beforehand), so I ended up basically paying double the quote – but it got the job done. I moved into this flat in Frederiksberg, and its so much better than the other place. It's almost ten times bigger than the room I lived in for three months. The spare room, which I used just for boxes and laundry for the first few months, is slightly larger than my entire room back in Gentofte. I like it here.

I shan't ramble on too much longer, so let's just have the short version:

  • Dating: on hold. It's just not that important to me right now.
  • Job: going much better after I moved to Frederiksberg. I've taken various holidays of course, mostly back to the UK but also to Esbjerg and then Munich, and Barcelona. I'm looking forward to having paid holiday next year. (Danish law: in your first year of employment in Denmark, leave is unpaid).
  • Danish: I still give myself a hard time, stressing over how little practice I get at the language and how rubbish I am at it, but back in September I passed the Module 4 Test without even realising I was taking it, so that's a good sign, eh?
  • Friends: In terms of making friends in Denmark, it takes time of course, and there are various people who I've met, some of whom I'll meet again, and some I won't. In particular though I'm grateful for my friendship with Anja, and with the group of ladies I mentioned last time, and whom I have continued to meet ... I feel very lucky to have met them all, and to have been invited into their homes, and that we can open up to each other.

Bit of a rush of catching up, this post. Oh, and also I might start experimenting with writing posts in Danish. Anyway, it feels good to have resurrected this blog. Hopefully I'll have a lower barrier to entry now.